The following described area is hereby declared the official tree and grass disposal site of the city.  A tract of land described as follows:

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

For the purpose of this article the following words shall have the following meaning.

Combustible: Brush, trees, shrubs and grass clippings.

Noncombustible: Any item not specifically described as combustible shall be a non­combustible.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

No material of any type, combustible or noncombustible, may be burned at the city tree and grass disposal site except by authorized city personnel.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

It shall be unlawful for any person to dump any noncombustible at the city tree and grass disposal site.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

(a)   Public access.  The tree and grass disposal site shall be open to the public for disposal of combustibles on the days and for the hours as may from time to time be prescribed by the governing body by public notice thereof published in the official city newspaper and posted at the dump site.

(b)   Fees: The governing body may from time to time prescribe fees to be charged the public for the use of the tree and grass disposal site by resolution.  Public notice of such fees shall be given by publication in the official city newspaper and by posting the same at the tree and grass disposal site.

(c)   Time of Burning: Open burning shall not be initiated by authorized personnel until at least one hour after sunrise.  No material shall be added to any fire two hours before sunset.

(d)   Meteorological Conditions: Burning shall not be carried out during inclement or foggy conditions or on very cloudy days.  Cloudy days will be defined as overcast days (more than 0.7) cloud cover) with a ceiling of less than 2000 feet.  In addition, burning shall be restricted to periods when surface wind speed is more than 5mph and less than 15 mph, and from a direction which will not carry the smoke over any occupied dwellings or public roadways or any airports within two miles of the burning site.

(e)   Road Hazards Conditions of burning within 1000 feet of a roadway which provide potential traffic safety hazards or any other safety hazards shall be avoided by appropriate notifications of the Highway Patrol, sheriff s office or other appropriate authorities.

(f)   Safety: Burning shall be supervised until the fire is extinguished.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

During such hours as burning supervisor is not on duty at the tree and grass disposal site, the chief of police or such patrolmen as he or she may direct shall supervise all burning at the dump.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

The governing body is hereby authorized to enter into a lease, agreement, or contract with any public or private firm, person, or corporation for the use of the tree and grass disposal site under such terms and conditions as the governing body may deem fit and proper.  The mayor of the city is hereby authorized to execute such lease after the same has been approved by the governing body of the city.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

Any person, firm, or corporation which unlawfully disposes of noncombustible material at the tree and grass disposal site in violation of this code or in any other way violates the terms of this code section, shall be guilty of a Class C Misdemeanor as defined and punishable as set forth in this code.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

The City shall have the right to store and deposit excess street and sidewalk material and debris at said site until the same can be permanently disposed.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)

The City shall also have the right to use said facility for firearms training and certification.

(Ord. 967; Code 2015)