For purposes of this article utility services shall include water, electrical, sewer, solid waste (refuse) and other utility services provided by the city.

(Code 1996)

Unless otherwise provided, water, electric, sewer, solid waste (refuse) or other utility service shall be terminated for nonpayment of service fees or charges in accordance with sections 15-103:104. 

(Code 1996)

(a)   If a utility bill has not been paid on or before the due date as provided in this chapter, a delinquency and termination notice shall be issued by the city clerk and mailed to the customer at his or her last known address on or around the 16th of the month.

(b)   The notice shall state:

(1)   The amount due, plus delinquency charge;

(2)   Notice that service will be terminated. Failure to appear at the hearing or failure to pay the account in full, or make arrangements to pay the account, will result is disconnection;

(3)   Notice that the customer has the right to a hearing before the City Council.

(c)   Hearing: The customer shall have the right to a hearing before the entire city council. The City Council has the authority to make whatever adjustments if any that may be necessary to the customer’s bill or payment thereof. Until a hearing is scheduled and held the customers services shall remain connected.

(Code 1996; Ord. 1008; Code 2015)

A petty cash fund in the amount of $1,700 is established for the use of the city utilities department, for the purpose of paying postage, freight, temporary labor, and other emergency expenses, including refund of deposits made to secure payment of accounts. 

(Code 1996)

The petty cash fund shall be deposited in the regular depository bank of the city and paid out on the order of the city clerk by check which shall state clearly the purpose for which issued. 

(Code 1996)

Whenever the petty cash fund becomes low or depleted, the city clerk shall prepare vouchers covering expenses as have been paid from the petty cash fund and shall submit such vouchers together with the paid checks to the governing body for review and allowance of the amounts from the regular funds of the utilities. Warrants issued therefor shall be payable to the petty cash fund and shall be deposited therein to restore said petty cash fund to its original amount.

(Code 1996)

Whenever the city is called out for emergency service regarding water, sewer and/or electrical service, and the problem is determined not to be the responsibility of the city, there shall be a charge of $75.

(Ord. 887, Sec. 1; Ord. 1013; Code 2015)

All water and electric current furnished by the municipal water and light system of the city shall be measured by meters approved by the city for that purpose. 

(Code 1982, 17-102)

All water and electric meters shall be provided by the city and shall remain the property of the city. 

(Code 1982, 17-103)

All installations, removal, repairs or adjustments of the meters, pipes and lines shall be made only by authorized employees of the city or by such competent persons as may be designated by the utility superintendent.

(Code 1982, 17-104)

The city may extend its water mains and electric lines within the city or without the city by construction or purchase when applications have been made and agreements entered into by persons along the proposed extension that, in the judgment of the governing body, will produce a revenue sufficient to pay interest on the cost of the extension and the operating cost of the service furnished.

(Code 1982, 17-105)

(a)   Any person whose premises are outside the city may connect with the municipal water lines or electric lines inside the city under the following provisions.

(1)   Water. The consumer shall furnish and put into place all pipe and other necessary material from the point where connection is made inside the city to the property to be served. The consumer shall install a curb cock and meter box at the point where connection is made inside the city and shall pay any expense the city may incur in making the connection.

(2)   Electric. The consumer shall furnish and install all necessary and suitable wiring, poles, transformers and other equipment from the point where connection is made inside the city to the property to be served. The consumer shall make provisions for location and installation of the meter at the point specified by the superintendent of the water and light department.

(b)   All consumers outside the city making connections with the water and electric lines as provided in this section shall be subject to the provisions of this article.

(Code 1982, 17-106)

The city reserves the right to interrupt service to any or all consumers of the municipal water and light system when the same is necessary in the repair of the system or any part thereof.

(Code 1982, 17-107)

All authorized employees of the city shall have the right to enter at any reasonable time any property serviced by a connection to the water or electric supply of the city for the purpose of connecting service, disconnecting service, reading meters, inspecting, replacing or repairing any lines, meters or water or electric equipment owned by the city.

(Code 1982, 17-109)

The city clerk shall keep an accurate record of all sales of water and electricity, installation charges, fees, penalties, receipts and disbursements from the water and light fund. The clerk shall keep an accurate record of each customer’s account. 

(Code 1982, 17-110)

Each person making application for water or electric service shall be required to sign an approved utility service contract with the city before service can be instituted. 

(Code 1982, 17-111)

Any hearing regarding utility service shall be before the city council.

(Code 1982, 17-112)

Each service connection shall have a cut off on the property of the owner, installed under supervision of the utility superintendent and available to city employees. 

(Code 1982, 17-122)

Any person desiring to be plumbing work for others or himself or herself, such as making connections or repairing connections to the public sewer or water system, shall file with the city clerk a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $2,000 to be approved by the governing body. The conditions of the bonds are that the principal in such bonds will save the city harmless from all damages to all persons or property resulting from or in any way growing out of any opening or excavations made by himself or herself, his or her agents, servant or employee in any alley, street, public highway, public property, sidewalk or cub or work in connection with any sewer or water connection. This principal also shall pay any and all loss and damage occasioned by himself, herself, his or her agent or employee and assure that they will comply with the ordinances of the city relating to sewer and water connections. 

(Code 1982, 17-123)

Every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this article shall be punished for a first conviction thereof by a fine of not more than $100 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 days; for a second such conviction within one year thereafter, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than $200 or by imprisonment for not more than 20 days or by both such fine and imprisonment; upon the third or subsequent conviction within one calendar year of a violation under this article, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not more than six months or by fine and imprisonment. Each day a person fails to comply with this article shall constitute a separate offense and may be charged accordingly.

(Code 1982, 17-133)

In the event the owner of the real property shall fail to pay any of the municipal water, sanitary sewer, municipal electric, or solid waste collection within sixty (60) days following the date upon which it become due, the City Clerk shall annually certify such unpaid bills to the County Clerk as a lien upon the property.  The lien shall be collected subject to the same regulations and penalties as other property taxes are collected.

(Ord. 1069)